i was watching joel osteen last night and he opened my eyes to some things...his message was based on knowing your worth..
we sometimes tend to put our worth..or value in opinions of other people, in what we have, in our looks, in our achievements and/or disappointments..these are just trivial things..so imagine what happens if someone says something to put you down..or later own down the line your life isnt "what it should have been"
you notice how something negative always seems to speak louder in our minds? its time for us to take control of our thoughts and understand our worth.
take a crisp &100 bill..its value is what? $100 right?????
but what if i ball it up..whats the value?
or what if i place it in front of my car and run over it..put the car in reverse and go over it again..whats the value of it?
what if i grabbed a fist full of dirt and covered the bill with it from from to back..whats the value of that dollar? STILL $100 correct?
no matter if ppl ran over you..drug your name through the mud countless times..your value remains the same but its all up to you to realize that...God handpicked YOU for a reason...yea sure you might not be tall enough but youre just right in His eyes..you may not think youre pretty/handsome enough..but youre beautiful in His eyes..He made you in his image..maybe you arent where you could be in life..He's willing to show you how to get there if you give him a chance..
stop letting negative things cloud your mind and hinder you from being your best..
we all have things we need to work on..but one of the main things is seeing our worth for what it is which is not our parents, friends, co-workers, children, or anybody elses eyes..but God..you are His favorite..only God can have each and every one of us as favorite and love us unconditionally, not picking one over the other based on achievements, status, looks, degree, finance or what have you..
I encourage you all to have another outlook on your life..know your worth and act up on it..there is no one else like you..there will be no one else that comes close to doing what you do..do not let fear of rejection/being talked about stop you from anything..be more conscious of God with you than people coming against you..renew your minds!!!!! ask Him to help you take control of your emotions..pray for wisdom..no matter what..stay positive..keep a good attitude and show LOVE..itll only work out for your benefit..