Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just Another Rant..

now yall know domi love the kids but man..these attitudes are NOT cute...i work as a substitute and ive seen some..stuff..taking a look at the parents..i understood..i was in a position where i worked as a secretary for a couple months..ive seen fights..parents and teachers going back and forth..i knew the kids well enough to know what happened before the parents got to the school and to my amazement..these parents were upholding their kids in ALL their mom knew off top that if a teacher called the house..whatever they said i did..she knew it was true..

it was my second day as a sub and i had i think it was a 4th grade was pretty small so i was were lining up to go to recess when this girl calls another student a b**** close enough by to where i heard it for myself and then all the kids was like i had to pause for a second like..did she say..*looks at the child* girl did you say what i think u said..she told me i gotta send somebody to the office my 2nd day..smh..somehow there was a mix up and the lady in the office told me her mom wanted to speak to convo i had with this lady FREAKED me simple can you be..some people dont need to have kids man..i put that on everything i love..this lady was like i understand the situation but i dont think my child said that..maybe the kids heard wrong..theyre always picking on her..blah blah like no ma'am..i heard her myself..she said the word..and when i asked her to confirm it she told me yes she did say this lady goes on talking about how her child doesnt talk like that at home *pause* on a serious tip..THATS WHEN YOU DO YOUR DIRT..AWAY FROM HOME!!!! especially at school..thats your opportunity to show out in front of your little friends..and i told her that..using myself as an example so i wouldnt come off too harsh..and then shes like well im thinking about taking my child from the school because its always something either with the kids or with the like okay..first of all *not to her* common sense should have kicked only the SUB..this is my 2nd day on the job..i dont know your kid from the next so its impossible for me to pinpoint her and just make something up..that just did something to with the way the child talked to her mom when i have her the phone..and for her to just allow it..that bothers me..

i personally feel that if you do not discipline your dont love them..atleast not as much as you claim/think you do..people in this world are VERY kids are even worse..why would you set them up like that..a lot of the kids with the attitude problems arent very well liked and im telling you what i know because i havent been out of school for that long to have forgotten..these teachers have it so hard deal with that from 7 30 to 3..go with their family..homework..lesson plans...and then start the whole process over again..thats tough..and typically theres more than 1 in the class..i stand by the fact that the highest paid profession should be in whatever category of a teacher...just the attitudes alone should be a few grands extra..

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